Activity 6 - Lipid extraction - emulsions

~5 different experiences are here proposed:~

Lipid solubility:

The aim of the study was check the oil solubility in water, ether and ethanol. Use proper material (test tubes) and explaining the results from the polar nature of the substances (oil is non-polar).

This part was realized in pairs, we’ve used three pipets, sunflower oil or olive oil, distilled water, alcohol, three tubs, eter, four beakers and one dropper. Each tub contains a different substance, the first one alcohol and oil (one of the two types), the second one distilled water with the same oil that before, and the last one eter with the same oil. We've putted two milliliters of liquid in each tub.

Firstly we put two milliliters of each substance in each tub, after this de put in each tub five drops of in this case olive oil. We observed that in the first case (alcohol with oil) the oil stand up and down separated between the alcohol, but the most part stand down, it doesn't dissolve; after this we compared with the people that put sunflower oil and in their case the oil stands up and down but more up than down. In the second case ( distilled water with oil) we observed that the oil stand in the top of the tub this happened also in the sunflower oil but including some bubbles. And the last case (enter with oil) we observe in our case that it's a little bit dissolved, but it also stand in the extreme and the sunflower oil doesn't dissolve and that makes the oil stands on the top.

Note: if you want to see a bigger difference you should put more drops.

Lipid extraction:

Our aim of the study was that we have to using a decanting funnel separate a mixture of 1mL of oil and 100mL of distilled water, we also used three pipets and filter paper for the experiment.

We putted the 100ml of distilled water in the separatory funnel with the olive oil, we wanna see the difference between their, we observe that the oil stand in the top and the distilled water down. To separate them we open the valve letting the distilled water fall in the pipet slowly and when we observe that the arrive the end of the water we close the valve making the oil stand separate of the water. We arrive to the conclusion that if you put more oil you will easier separate them.
It's possible to separate them, we have done it you will too!

Translucent spot: our aim of the study was to put the spot of a drop of oil and a drop of water in filter paper and explain the differences.

To do this part, we put in a piece of filter paper, some drops of oil and next to these, some drops of water. Then we could observe that the part of oil we can see what is behind and with water we can’t see it. The reason that can explain this effect is that the oil don’t divert the rays of light and in the case of the water, it do it.

Sudan III test:

 Sudan III is an indicator of the presence of lipids. The test is positive if the mixture takes a reddish-orange color. Our aim of the study was to perform the test with water, milk and skimmed milk (using test tubes).

In this part, we put water in a tube, milk in the other one and skimmed in the third tube. After this, we add Sudan III in each tube and we shaked and we observed the results. We could see that the in the two types of milk, the Suldan III has been dissolved and in the water, no, the Suldan III is over the water.
We also wanted to see the difference between the 0% milk and the complete milk, we observe that although the two types can dissolve with the Sudan III but the 0% is darker that the other. We concluded that the milk can dissolve with Sudan III but the water can't.


We mixin a beaker 100mL of water with 1 mL of oil. Then we added soap and we observe the differences. We had to justify the soap effect by considering the hydrophilic and/or hydrophobic nature of soap.

We observed that the solution end with the soap color in the case of fairy cause it can be dissolved with the water but the
oil can't dissolve with them so we can see some bubbles of the oil in the top of the solution. Our conclusion is that the soap can be dissolved with the distilled water but the oil can't do it.

Other questions that we have resolved are:

→ What is an emulsion?

An emulsion is a stable and heterogeneous mixture of two liquids that tend to separate and often can not be mixed, that is because they are immiscible among them, such as olive oil and water. A substance, the dispersed phase, is dispersed in the other, the continuous phase.

→ Why the mixture soap+water+oil is homogeneous? Is it really homogeneous?

It's not homogeneous at all, it's homogeneous in one part cause the water is homogeneous with the soap but the oil doesn't so they two make a mixture but the oil it's separate making the solution not being homogeneous.

Activity 6 - Lipid extraction - emulsions Activity 6 - Lipid extraction - emulsions Reviewed by Anonymous on October 28, 2018 Rating: 5

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